Brightwell NitratR 500 ml

  • Next-generation regenerable nitrate adsorption resin effective in marine and freshwater aquaria; does not require soaking in buffered water prior to initial use.
  • Highly-selective for nitrate.
  • Will not negatively impact water quality, nor release nitrate once exhausted.
  • Synthetic polymer resin beads provide for durability and excellent flow characteristics; may be employed in fluidized-bed, canister, or passive filtration.
  • Regenerable over 250 times, dramatically increasing cost effectiveness.
  • Will not impact alkalinity in aquaria as some competing products may.

Brightwell AquaticsSKU: 810086014293

- Availability: In Stock
- Ships free on eligible orders *
Sale price$62.38


Brightwell nitratR

Instructions and Guidelines

Prior to first use, rinse each 500ml of resin by passing 4 quarts of fresh water through it in a steady stream; discard water once completed.

Basic Instructions and Guidelines: To initially lower excessive nitrate, each 500ml of NitratR will remove 20ppm nitrate in 100 US-gallons of water (or 10ppm per 200 US-gallons). When nitrate concentration remains unchanged or begins to increase, regenerate as described below.

Advanced Instructions and Guidelines: To a point, effectiveness of resin is directly related to the reaction time it has with aquarium water; the longer the reaction time, the more effectively it will remove nitrate. Once the nitrate concentration (”[NO3 -]”) reaches a nearly-immeasurable level, NitratR will continue to remove nitrate as it is produced in natural biological reactions. Remove and regenerate resin when [NO3 -] begins to increase, then reapply to facilitate continued nitrate removal. In all cases, the use of a mechanical pre-filter to remove particulate organic material from water prior to its interaction with this media will prolong effectiveness. Fluidized-bed filtration: follow instructions of filter manufacturer for optimal volume of media to use in reaction chamber; start at a low flow rate and adjust to keep media in a steady “churn” within lower 2/3 of chamber; flow rate should not be such that resin is ejected into aquarium. Canister filtration: Load resin into filter cartridge as directed by filter manufacturer; leave resin in place until [NO3 -] reaches desired level or remains unchanged, as directed above. Slowing the flow of water through the filter may be required to obtain maximum effectiveness of resin. Passive filtration: Place resin loosely in a 300μm mesh filter bag and locate in an area of lowto medium-flow. Turning bag over periodically during usage will serve to shift the resin beads and increases effectiveness of this method.

To regenerate: Dissolve 4 cups table salt in 1 US-gallon of room-temperature water per 250-ml NitratR to be regenerated in a clean pail; place resin into pail and stir; allow beads to soak overnight; strain and rinse beads thoroughly in fresh water before re-using. Do not regenerate with bleach, which will damage resin and could kill aquarium inhabitants.

Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Not for human consumption

Note: Resin sold moist. Keep closed to prevent drying. Weight varies due to moisture content, therefore product is sold by volume rather than weight.

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