Tropic Marin Elimi-Phos - 500 ml

  • For the removal of phosphates and other organic pollutants in aquaria
  • Prevent unwanted algae growth
  • Practical Quick & Clean filter bags for a simple and clean handling
  • Suitable for filter systems or hanging free into the tank
  • Phosphates become strongly bonded to the ELIMI-PHOS granules that it will never be released
  • Improve the growth conditions of corals and other organisms

Tropic MarinSKU: 0619106253540

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Sale price$34.68


Tropic Marin Elimi-Phos

Highly effective granules for the removal of phosphates in aquaria

Phosphates and yellowing substances are not welcome in the aquarium due to their high content. Enduring success is only achieved where concentrations of these two substance groups are kept low. For example, in coral reef aquariums phosphate values of 0.05 mg/l or less should be targeted for good growth and full coloration of stony corals.

Tropic Marin® ELIMI-PHOS are highly effective granules in practical Quick & Clean filter bags for removing both phosphates and other organic pollutants in the aquarium. Phosphates become so strongly bonded to the ELIMI-PHOS granules that it will never be released, even after the full absorption capacity of the granules is reached. In addition to the effective removal of phosphates, ELIMI-PHOS takes the place of activated charcoal and will improve the general water quality in the aquarium. After a short time growth conditions for invertebrates are improved significantly and undesirable algae growth is restricted.

Application and dosage

Place 100 g / 3.5 oz. of ELIMI-PHOS per 200 liters / 50 US-gal. of total aquarium system water volume into the tank and position it in the filter or other area of strong water circulation. It is always a good idea to make any changes in your aquarium environment slowly. If the organic load of the aquarium is very high, start with 100 g ELIMI-PHOS per 500 liters/130 US-gal. of system volume and slowly increase to the above recommended maximum. This will give your more delicate plants and animals a gradual introduction to the positive change in water quality.

Note: All organisms require traces of phosphate; 0.00 mg/l (ppm) of phosphate in an aquarium does not suffice. A balance has to be found between feeding (= source of phosphate) and phosphate removal.

ELIMI-PHOS can remain in the aquarium even after its absorption capacity has been reached. When the phosphate level in the aquarium starts to increase again, repeat the above procedure with new ELIMI-PHOS. To closely monitor the phosphate level in your aquarium, we recommend using Tropic Marin® Phosphate-Test Professional which will indicate phosphate levels even as low as 0.01 mg/l.

Tropic Marin® still recommends periodic water changes in the aquarium to prevent the built up of undesirable compounds. Regular use of ELIMI-PHOS will also help maintain the highest level of water quality in your aquarium.

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